As the most effective and influential business organization for the Norwegian food and drink industry, FoodDrinkNorway works to create the best environment for business and economic growth. We do this by providing a collective, progressive voice to government and policymakers on the key issues impacting businesses like yours.
Join FoodDrinkNorway
What challenges you, drives us. Our influence, insight and free advice will benefit your business.
A FoodDrinkNorway membership gives you:
- Influence over the big topics shaping the Norwegian business and economic landscape,
- Access to the people who can help get you there
- Free labour law advice and legal assistance
JOIN FoodDrinkNorway
Get access to our influence, insight and free advise to benefit your business.
Our services include
In short, we provide members with a powerful voice in government, useful and valuable information and advice, and a formidable network. Whether you're an ambitious start-up, established local company, or a prestigious multi-national, a FoodDrinkNorway membership can help your business succeed. Foto: NHO.
- Promoting legislation and industrial policies conducive to a prosperous business climate, and ensuring framework conditions that enable businesses in the food, drink and bio industry to operate profitably within a predictable business framework.
- Free legal advice on labour legislation, Health Safety and Environment (HSE), employment contracts, wage determination and human resource strategies.
- Representing member companies in sectoral collective bargaining with the trade unions, on wages and working conditions, and provide practical help and guidance in the interpretation of collective agreements.
- Assistance in negotiating standard contracts, framework agreements and standards. Developing best practice and projects to improve quality and performance in member companies.
- Offering training courses within, health, safety and environment (HSE), labour law and other business relevant topics.
- Opportunities to join councils, committees and project groups for direct input into policy recommendations.
- Offering networking opportunities including national conferences with leading politicians and other decision-makers, HR conferences, breakfast seminars and workshops on relevant topics.
- Access to insight and research on trends within the industry and public policy issues.
Use your member benefits to save costs
In addition to the free benefits that come with membership, the NHO and its sectoral federations offer favourable prices on freight, pensions, insurance, telecom, accommodation and energy management, through a variety of co-operation agreements with industry suppliers. By taking full advantage of these offers, your enterprise will be able to save considerable costs. - free online service makes it easy to access information about labour law and HSE-related questions.
Our online chat service gives you instant help and advise.